Michael Scott: "I need to know who else is gay. I don't want to offend anyone else."
Dwight Schrute: "You could assume everyone is, and not say anything offensive."
Michael Scott (rolling his eyes): "Yeah. I'm sure everyone would appreciate me treating them like they were gay."

This is just one of the many golden nuggets of hilarity from "The Office: An American Workplace".
Good Lord, this TV show is funny.
Are you already an avid watcher? (HINT: There is only one "good" answer to this question.)
If not, why not?
Don't you want to be cool too?

A couple weeks ago, it was such an exciting revelation when I learned that my good friend in New York was also a loyal Officemate. It was like we now got to gossip about these new "weekly" friends of ours behind their backs. It, like, totally renewed our friendship on a higher level! (Plus I can't help but giggle a little because one of the kooky Office characters - the Valley Girl-esque "Kelly Kapoor" - reminds me of my NYC friend! Hehe.)
Anyway, back to the show:
This is not your father's comedy. This isn't your tried-and-true (read: *yawn*), old school sitcom. And this really isn't the typical "set up then punch line"/"Charlie Sheen chasing skirts as the precocious little nephew wags his finger at him"-type humour. The Office predicates itself in those awfully awkward, cringe-worthy, painfully funny moments when others around you are oblivious to their own embarrassing, unfiltered, un-PC behaviour. Trust me, we all know people like these in our day-to-day lives.
Okay, I don't know how I can continue on with this entry without further coming off as a pathetic shill. It's not like the show needs me to recruit more pairs of eyes to save it. It's actually doing just fine.
I guess I'm just trying to do my (non-Semitic) mitzvah for the week and spread the gift of laughter with you all!

Wow, WHAT AN AWESOME PLAN I just laid out for you! You can send me a tin of "thank you" cookies later. (HINT: I'm partial to oatmeal raisin.)
Dent in your pay cheque:
around $25 for Season One; around $40 for Season Two; currently FREE for Season Three!
Ideal for:
anybody who loves having their funny bone fondled; snooty fans of smart, non-patronizing television; people who work in an office and want to watch a weekly, half-hour version of their autobiography
Look for it at...
the DVDs: Best Buy (but maybe you can find it cheaper elsewhere)
the weekly TV broadcast: NBC, Thursdays at 8:30 PM!
This show is awesome. I'll admit, I thought it was crap and stopped watching after the first three episodes of Season 1 (and made me hate Steve Carrell until 40-year-old-virgin came out)...but Season 2 was amazing, and Season 3 just as funny.
Yes! Someone else with "dawesome" taste in entertainment like me! Hey, we should like direct a movie together or something...
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